In Philadelphia, there is a group that is focused on developing for Apple products called the Cocoaheads. Periodically, they organizers put together a workshop on a particular special topic, inviting an specialist to come and share their knowledge. One of the members of the group knew me through Philly Dev Night, and the leadership asked if I would be willing to put together such a workshop for Unity Development on iOS. I was already teaching classes at Drexel Univerity as an Adjunct Instructor on that topic, so I thought I would be easy to repurpose some of the material I had prepared.
However, I was totally wrong, and had to build almost the entire workshop from scratch. The differences between single six-hour interactive workshop and a 10-week 3-hour-per-class course meant that I had to cut material drastically, focusing solely on the most crucial topics. As it was a workshop only for iOS developers, though, I had to expand the amount of content that related specifically to that platform. At the end of the workshop, though, all of the participants had a simple, but functioning Breakout clone that they could use to reference in later projects.